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Avaliação Psicológica

Print version ISSN 1677-0471


OLIVEIRA, Cassandra Melo; NUERNBERG, Adriano Henrique  and  NUNES, Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva. Universal design and psychological assessment in a human rights perspective. Aval. psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.12, n.3, pp.421-428. ISSN 1677-0471.

Universal design involves the process of designing materials, tools, objects, buildings and environments in a way that are accessible to most people, independent of being disabled or not. We understand that the use of the concepts of universal design in the development and adaptation of methods for psychological assessment can represent the search for human rights, since it allows both the use of these techniques for psychologists with disabilities and the psychological assessment of people with disabilities. Legal and technical documents related to the development and adaptation of psychological tests and Universal Design were reviewed. This paper proposes some ways of using Universal Design concepts in the research and professional use of psychological assessment. The use of Universal Design concepts in the field of psychological assessment is aligned with the historic commitment of Psychology with democratic principles and the search for social inclusion of people with disabilities.

Keywords : universal design; human rights; people with disabilities; measurements in psychology.

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