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Psicologia em Revista

Print version ISSN 1677-1168


ADAS SALIBA GARBIN, Cléa; DOSSI DE GUIMARAES E QUEIROZ, Ana Paula; ADAS SALIBA ROVIDA, Tânia  and  SALIBA, Orlando. Domestic violence experienced in infancy: an investigation in adolescents. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2012, vol.18, n.1, pp.107-118. ISSN 1677-1168.

This study aims to highlight the prevalence of situations of domestic violence experienced by adolescents during their childhood. It is cross-sectional study with 372 adolescents enrolled in a vocational training institution, Araçatuba-SP, utilizing the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), translated and validated. Gender and social class were also investigated. According to the results, 180 adolescents were female and 192 were male. The predominant social class was B2 (39.2%). Seventy two percent of teens reported having experienced at least some form of violence during childhood. Mild (28.7%) and moderate (9.2%) emotional abuse were the most prevalently associated, as well as between: physical and emotional violence, physical and sexual, physical and emotional neglect, sexual and emotional abuse, emotional neglect and emotional. Regarding social class, no associations were found. In conclusion, most teens suffered abuse in childhood, with a prevalence of emotional violence

Keywords : Violence; Domestic violence; Child abuse; Childhood; Adolescence.

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