Psicologia em Revista
Print version ISSN 1677-1168
GOMES, Lucélia Maria Lima da Silva and OLIVEIRA, Adélia Augusta Souto de. Psychology and social inequality in higher education: the tricks of socio-historical (re)productions. Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) [online]. 2019, vol.25, n.2, pp.742-758. ISSN 1677-1168.
The approach of low-income students’ permanence in higher education is associated with actions linked to programs to reduce retention and dropout rates. These actions are based on the National Student Assistance Program and come from the student assistance sectors of the federal institutions of higher education, which have professionals in the area of Psychology. A qualitative research was carried out based on the assumptions of documentary sociohistorical Psychology on the actions developed by Psychology in the context of student care in the Northeast of Brazil. For this, 23 documents from the institutional websites of student assistance of nine institutions were analyzed. The results indicated that Psychology in Student Assistance is directed towards student health care; a clinical conception of school and educational Psychology prevails; innovative actions are collective and focus on academic performance and psychosocial development in the various areas of university experience.
Keywords : School Psychology; Inequality; Student assistance; Professional performance.