Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional
On-line version ISSN 1984-7270
SOARES, Adriana Benevides et al. Time management: management perceptions with graduate students. Rev. bras. orientac. prof [online]. 2022, vol.23, n.2, pp.151-161. ISSN 1984-7270.
The objective of this study was to understand how Master and PhD students in Psychology perceive their time management. Were held two workshops with six doctoral students and another with 12 master's students, aged between 24 and 55 years (M = 38.83 and SD = 9.59). The volunteers were informed of the objectives and the statements were analyzed using the IRAMUTEQ software. The results showed that students try to manage time to be efficient in carrying out activities and strive to distinguish what is urgent and what can be postponed. The study contributed to the critical reflection of time management. Prospective studies could rely on students from graduate programs in different locations, in addition to differentiating perceptions according to gender.
Keywords : time management; graduate students; psychology.