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Pensando familias

Print version ISSN 1679-494X


FRANCO, Ricardo da Silva  and  SEI, Maíra Bonafé. Identity and family relations: psychic transmission in "Dois Irmãos", by Milton Hautoum. Pensando fam. [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.2, pp.177-191. ISSN 1679-494X.

This article aims to discuss the influence of family relationships in the construction of the Nael’s identity, the narrator-character in the novel "Dois Irmãos" by Milton Hatoum It is a theoretical study, undertaken by the theoretical framework of family psychoanalysis, with emphasis on aspects of the psychic generational transmission. It is understood that memory and the complex family relationships are configured as an organizing principle of the psyche of each individual. Thus, Nael, through its narrative, constructed through the recollection of the past, could know and understand his history, which is also the story of his family, and thus be more apt to develop his identity.

Keywords : Identity; Family relationships; Psychic generational transmission.

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