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FERNANDES, Waldemar José. Patology of the current medicine - DSM, CID and other "labels"... Aren't we seeing people?. Vínculo [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.1, pp.09-13. ISSN 1806-2490.

The course medicine has been taking is discouraging, once there is more interest in illnesses rather than the diseased. No one else is normal; a person carries syndromes and disorders each step of the way. Each person has it's own diversity, the same happens with their organs, their physiopathology and their peculiarities, either when he or she is linked with others, or to him or herself, affecting and being affected by the context. The disease is not something external that overpowers men; it is a peculiar way of one's expression in unfavorable circumstances. It is recommended to have a psychosomatic view, which contemplate the person, its world and the presenting symptoms that each person brings along just like a business card. A dynamic psychiatry is proposed, including the unconscious conflict and the internal and external relations, in an understanding link, not only on the symptoms, but on the reasons of having come in search of help as well, once medicine is, in fact, a human science. An integrated approach of the diseased in suggested, pointing to the tight relations between the biological, the social-familiar-professional context and the psychological.

Keywords : pathology of medicine; dynamic psychiatry; medicine of the person.

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