Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1808-4281
GUEDES, Patrícia Fátima Mendes and SOUZA, Maria Celeste Reis Fernandes de. Cartographies of exclusion and inclusion of people with mental suffering the territorialization processes of the national politics concerning mental health. Estud. pesqui. psicol. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.1, pp.40-57. ISSN 1808-4281.
This article presents reflexions concerning the processes of exclusion/inclusion of people with severe mental suffering in a Center of Psychosocial Care II (CAPS II) on the context of National Politics of Mental Health territorialization. The research field is the CAPS II and the theoretical framework has as basis Michel Foucault and Doreen Massey's studies. The empirical material is constituted of documents and records of five CAPS II users. The tool used for the analysis of this material was the speech, on Michel Foucault's perspective. The article problematize the statement - "place for crazy is the asylum" - that challenges the speech of deinstitutionalization and psychosocial reintegration. The results show that hospitalization is still a common practice and a challenge to be won, so that a politic that exceeds the barriers of exclusion can be built.
Keywords : exclusion; inclusion; mental health; territory.