Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1809-5267
CARNEIRO, Laila Leite and BASTOS, Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt. Work-related well-being: analysis of concepts and measures. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2020, vol.72, n.2, pp.121-140. ISSN 1809-5267.
Work-related well-being has been receiving increasing interest in the Organizational and Work Psychology's field of study and intervention. The objective of this article was to analyze conceptually and empirically how the phenomenon "work-related well-being" is being approached in the state of the art in Brazil, seeking to identify overlaps and/or limits between different measures of the construct. It was concluded that there are several nomenclatures to refer to the concept and that the same nomenclature is used to translate different definitions. There are still authors who use the term from a negative perspective, as well as there are those who use related phenomena as synonyms of well-being. From the eight measures found, the proposal by Paschoal and Tamayo presented advantages in conceptual and empirical terms, being in consonance with the recent movement of the field of junction of the two classical theoretical bases used in the understanding of this phenomenon.
Keywords : Well-being; Work; Concepts; Measures.