Arquivos Brasileiros de Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 1809-5267
GONCALVES-DOS-SANTOS, Gabriel Aparecido; BARBIERI, Valeria and SANTOS, Manoel Antônio dos. The father and the paternal function in the Winnicottian theory. Arq. bras. psicol. [online]. 2021, vol.73, n.3, pp.112-128. ISSN 1809-5267.
D.W. Winnicott's psychoanalytic theory assumes the existence of an innate developmental tendency that depends, to be successful, on the provision of sufficiently good environmental resources to support and encourage the development and integration of the developing Self. Much of his work focuses on the role of the mother as the primary care provider for the newborn. However, Winnicott has not failed to address the importance of the father as a real element of the family dynamics and, as such, also an active agent of care for the baby and the mother-baby dyad, because he considers the father to be part of the total environment available to the newborn. This study aims to investigate the main theoretical propositions of the author and his contemporary psychoanalytical followers regarding the father and paternal functions in the family, according to each stage of child personal growth.
Keywords : Psychoanalysis; Winnicott; Father; Paternal Function.