Revista da Abordagem Gestáltica
Print version ISSN 1809-6867
EVANGELISTA, Paulo Eduardo Rodrigues Alves. In between salvation and psychopathology - the conflict of interpretations in a patient's experience in a psychiatric emergency roomEntre la salvación y la psicopatología - el conflicto de interpretaciones en la experiencia de una paciente en pronta atención psiquiátrica. Rev. abordagem gestalt. [online]. 2022, vol.28, n.1, pp.83-92. ISSN 1809-6867.
This article departs from the situation of a woman's arrival in a psychiatric emergency room to consider the conflict of interpretations that opens up between the religious context, in which the protagonist's gesture is articulated to her family, and the psychiatric context, which recognizes the behavior as a psychotic episode. To this end, it begins by indicating the objective of Psychopathology as an autonomous science, as defined by Jaspers. With the support of Dilthey's distinction between explanatory and descriptive psychology, it shows how modern psychopathology is explanatory. Considering hermeneutics as a process of unveiling meaning, the article shows the opposition of two hermeneutic horizons: the psychopathological phenomenon, for psychiatry, and the purifying gesture, in the religious hermeneutic context indicated by the protagonist's family. There is a conflict of interpretations, as described by Ricouer. Finally, using Daseinsanalyse and the understanding of human condition as having-to-be, it takes a step towards understanding the double meaning of the gesture: as a mode of atonement of guilt, concomitantly responding to the human condition of being responsible for its being.
Keywords : Hermeneutics; Daseinsanalysis; Phenomenological Psychology; Psychopathology.