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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

On-line version ISSN 1809-8908


VIEIRA, Talita Machado  and  MANSANO, Sonia Regina Vargas. Impasses generated by the immaterial work in private life: a study about sports professionals. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2014, vol.9, n.2, pp.222-231. ISSN 1809-8908.

This study sought to understand the relationships between the affective immaterial work and private life. For that, the discussion was on what affective work is and how it is related to the production of subjectivity. Subsequently, we sought to understand how the affections produced at the professional activity of professional athletes could be related to their private lives. To achieve this purpose, the adopted methodology involved three moments: first, we made a bibliography survey about the theme in the fields of Psychology and Physical Education; after that, testimonies of professional athletes were selected from public documents which reported their difficulties in separating the working time from their private lives. Last, we proceeded to the analysis of the reports, with the intention of identifying the elements which could demonstrate the rupture of this border between work and private life. As a result, it could be noticed that some athletes are constantly submitted to moral judgments by the population and that they are submitted to a series of legal rules which tend to transform their body in an object to be managed by the clubs and/or sponsors. In conclusion, it was possible to realize that, in spite of the effects produced in private life by the working relations, there are, on the part of the professional athletes, trials of resistance to the submission processes which are so frequent in this job.

Keywords : immaterial work; body; subjectivity; sport.

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