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Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

On-line version ISSN 1809-8908


RUBIN, Aline Librelotto  and  ROSO, Adriane. Work and depression: trends in knowledge production. Pesqui. prát. psicossociais [online]. 2017, vol.12, n.3, pp.1-18. ISSN 1809-8908.

The objective of this study was to identify some possible trends in the production of academic knowledge about depression and work, especially in the field of Psychology, seeking productions in this area that deal with the depression-work dyad from a psychosocial perspective. A bibliometric analysis was carried out through the systematic research in two National Electronic Scientific Libraries. In the first database, 1.136 articles were collected. Of these, 58 works are in the area of Psychology, which were subjected to a careful reading and a descriptive analysis, in the sense of searching for a psychosocial approach to depression in the world of work. In the second base, 2,776 articles were collected. Of these, 398 texts were analyzed according to the sub-subjects: Depression, mental health, antidepressants, psychoanalysis, psychopathology and worker health. The results indicate that the primacy of the production of biomedical and psychiatric knowledge in this subject still persists, but there is an initial and emerging construction of knowledge by psychology about depression relating it to work.

Keywords : Social Psychology; Depression; Job.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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