Psicologia para América Latina
On-line version ISSN 1870-350X
ABDALA-COSTA, Marcelo Pimentel. Paralaxes do contemporâneo7 diálogos sobre as perspectivas Waiwai e Mapuche nos Serviços Convencionais de Saúde8. Psicol. Am. Lat. [online]. 2017, n.spe, pp.24-31. ISSN 1870-350X.
This essay wishes to reflect about two cases present in the Argentine and Brazilian literature that discuss how the health services in primary care comprise the psychosocial attention to indigenous peoples in contemporary society. It was based on the case of Gerônima (Pellegrini, 1982), indigenous, from Mapuche people, in Argentina, and in the case of the young indigenous Waiwai (Ferreira, 2011) in Brazil. The essay is an attempt to reflect on points of view that cross health care from two perspectives: the conventional health and the indigenous perspective in two South American countries. In order to do so, it considers the social determinants of health and proposes to rethink the ethical-political dimension of attention models, considering the way these people see the world. In this sense we will present information about the cases in order to make them dialog from what is presented as a parallax in the contemporary, that is, a necessary displacement of one's place, to 'see' and to recognize, by the similarity, the difference of the other.
Keywords : Psychosocial Attention; Indigenous Peoples; Intercultural Health.