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Psicologia em Pesquisa

On-line version ISSN 1982-1247


CEZARIO, Ana Cláudia Ferreira; CARVALHO, Laís Lage de  and  LOURENCO, Lelio Moura. Violence Against Man perpetrated by his partner: Perspectives of Psychologists and Social Workers. Psicol. pesq. [online]. 2016, vol.10, n.1, pp.76-84. ISSN 1982-1247.

The intimate partner violence (IPV) is a social phenomenon and a public health problem. However, in most of cases, is addressed presenting the woman as victim and man as her respective aggressor. The present study aimed to collect data with psychology and social service professionals and interns in order to investigate their perceptions, views and experiences about violence against men perpetrated by their intimate partner in the city of Fora / MG. Besides that, raise data about VPI against man. For analysis, we used descriptive statistics and analysis of content by Bardin. Initially, the researchers mapped the institutions and the number of professionals working. In the end, 40 professionals and trainees in psychology and social service who have worked in the judiciary service, CRAS and CREAS were interviewed. Of total results 95.0% reported to believe in men victims of IPV and 37.5% had already treated male victims. Thus, we find the existence of IPV against men in this city.

Keywords : violence; psychological violence; marital relations; intimate partner violence.

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