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Contextos Clínicos

Print version ISSN 1983-3482


CARLOTTO, Mary Sandra  and  WENDT, Guilherme Welter. Technostress and its relationships with career, life satisfaction, and work-family interaction: a gender analysis. Contextos Clínic [online]. 2016, vol.9, n.1, pp.51-59. ISSN 1983-3482.

This study aimed to evaluate the differences between males and females on technostress dimensions, as well as possible associations with life and career satisfaction, and with work-family interaction. The sample comprised 247 users of information and communication technologies at work, and the majority of them were female (58.9%). Differences between technostress dimensions amongst males and females were found, whereas males showed greater disbelief. Regarding career and life satisfaction, and work-family interaction, different associations amongst males and females were also detected. We discuss the particularities of the variables in both groups, as well raise explanatory hypotheses for our findings. Implications for practice and limitations of the research are also presented.

Keywords : technostress; life satisfaction; work-family interaction; gender differences.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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