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Gerais : Revista Interinstitucional de Psicologia

On-line version ISSN 1983-8220


GARCIA, Agnaldo; BITENCOURT NETO, Cloves  and  GOES, Dominique Costa. Friendships of Brazilians living abroad: meaning, difficulties and origin. Gerais, Rev. Interinst. Psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.6, n.1, pp.3-19. ISSN 1983-8220.

This research aimed at investigating the friendships of Brazilians living abroad with other Brazilians or people from other countries. Sixty Brazilians living in Asia, Europe and North America for at least six months answered a questionnaire about the beginning and remarkable episodes of their friendships, difficulties and the meaning of friendship, and described friends. The remarkable episodes were often linked to shared experiences or social support. The difficulties encountered were mainly in communication, due to cultural and individual differences, geographic distance and lack of time. The meaning of friendship is associated with companionship or sharing activities and interests, and social support. The description of friends involves a series of relational characteristics, such as closeness and companionship and willingness to help. Based on Hinde's proposals, the paper discusses the possible relation among the aspects studied in a theoretical model for friendship in the context of migration.

Keywords : Interpersonal relations; Friendship; Human migration.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )