Revista Psicologia Organizações e Trabalho
On-line version ISSN 1984-6657
CARNEIRO, Laila Leite and FERNANDES, Sônia Regina Pereira. Personal well-being in organizations and work locus of control. Rev. Psicol., Organ. Trab. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.3, pp.257-270. ISSN 1984-6657.
Considering the existing gap in the literature on studies that focus on positive aspects of the individual-job-organization relationship, this research aimed to contribute to the understanding of worker well-being. It adopted as its main goal the analysis of the predictive power of work locus of control on personal well-being in the workplace, seeking to assess whether the fact that the worker perceives his/herself as controlling the situation (internality) or perceives the other as the holder of this control (externality), interferes with their level of well-being. The research was quantitative in nature and involved the participation of 200 workers from two private organizations in Salvador (BA). The results indicated that internality is able to positively predict personal well-being in the workplace (both the global measure as well as all its indicators separately), highlighting its predictive power over the indicator "identification with the work". While externality presented a negative and weak predictive power, only over the indicators "identification with the organization" and "environmental support", showing no explanatory power over the global measure of well-being. Finally, the study's findings contribute to a better understanding of micro-organizational processes, based on the identification of antecedents that can facilitate the planning of intervention strategies in work contexts aimed at promoting workers' well-being.
Keywords : Well-being; locus of control; work.