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Revista do NUFEN

On-line version ISSN 2175-2591


MORAES, Mak Alisson Borges de  and  COSTA, Ileno Izídio Da. Michel Henry's contributions to Psychology: a literature review. Rev. NUFEN [online]. 2019, vol.11, n.2, pp.77-95. ISSN 2175-2591.

In face of contributions of the phenomenology of Michel Henry to Psychology, the present article had as proposal investigate the panorama of the psychological researches on Phenomenology of life in the Brazilian context. For this, a bibliographical review of the articles dealing with the thought of Michel Henry in the field of Psychology was carried out. To accomplishment of the research a search of articles in the following databases was made: Psycinfo, Pepsic and Scielo. In addition, event annals productions and dossier of scientific journal were also selected. From the analysis it was possible to classify the productions in the following categories: "Theoretical justification", "investigation of affections" and "contributions to the clinic". Thus, it was found that despite the incipience of research, this field of investigation presents fruitful developments, which evidence rich contributions to Psychology and the practice in mental health.

Keywords : Phenomenology Of Life; Michel Henry; Literature Review.

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