Revista Psicologia e Saúde
On-line version ISSN 2177-093X
VIEIRA, Ana Paula Alves; DIAS, Carolina Nascimento and PEREIRA, Eliane Regina. "I can even make poetry": the esthetic resource triggering reflexions and youngsters' potential. Rev. Psicol. Saúde [online]. 2016, vol.8, n.2, pp.55-66. ISSN 2177-093X.
This article intends to present an experience due to an internship in Social and Health Psychology with a group of youngsters in Reference Centre of Social Assistance from a city in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The group used to have weekly meetings inside the institution and intern's interventions were guided according to cultural-historic psychology using a esthetic resources which were trigger for the meetings. It came to light that such resources worked more than triggers for the conversations, they were triggers for youngsters' potential. By getting in touch with several artistic languages and after conversations it was possible to conclude that the thoughts eluded there led to action and allowed a tendency to change by supporting participants' autonomy. It was noted a possibility of group as an optimizer, a space where several subjects lead youngsters to think and then to act which used to be lethargic and an unknown search of possibilities.
Keywords : Social and Health Psychology; Aesthetic resource; Group; Youth; CRAS.