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Saúde & Transformação Social

On-line version ISSN 2178-7085


SILVA, Alessandro Costa da  and  ALENCAR, Marcelo Henrique Bandeira Costa. Social technology aimed at promoting of the health in a community of São Luís-Ma, Brazil. Saúde Transform. Soc. [online]. 2014, vol.5, n.1, pp.66-72. ISSN 2178-7085.

Social technologies have been used as alternative for the rural poor population, aimed at accessing of the basic sanitation. In this context our work aimed to inform and sensitize a community on the technology of Dry Bathroom (DB). Training workshops were conducted in the form of participatory interviews, lectures, videos and spelling book, contextualizing about the rural way of life; suggesting the use of DB as an alternative for treatment sanitary, decrease of disease and improving the agriculture (by composting). It was observed that the community, because have sanitary problem and absence of public policy, has a profile for our work. The data obtained through questionnaires (PRD, Participatory Rapid Diagnosis) with residents revealed that even sensitized, no are engaged for construction of the BS. The explanation was the lack of financial resources, although they are willing to build, if development agencies to make available these resources to purchase the necessary materials.

Keywords : Training; Sanitation; Quality.

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