Estudos Interdisciplinares em Psicologia
On-line version ISSN 2236-6407
TAWAMOTO, Joneia Mayumi and CAPITAO, Cláudio Garcia. Evidence of validity of Pfister's test: Aggressiveness and irritability in drivers. Est. Inter. Psicol. [online]. 2010, vol.1, n.1, pp.40-65. ISSN 2236-6407.
This present study aimed to compare the indicators of aggressiveness and irritability, found through Pfister Colored Pyramid Test (CPT), between the infracting and non-infracting drivers; to correlate the indicators of aggressiveness and irritability of the drivers' CPT with the results obtained from the Driver Skill Inventory (DSI), Driver Behavior Questionnaire (DBQ) and Driver Irritability Scale (DIS). The CPT allows assessing the personality dynamics and the level of maturity of its expressions in the world of relationships. One hundred drivers from the city of Curitiba, who were divided in two groups, participated in the research. The first was composed by 50 infracting drivers that accomplished the Refresher Driving Course and who obtained points for driving over the speed limit three times in one year. The second group was composed by 50 drivers who have renewed their driver's license, have their driver's license for more than five years, didn't commit any kind of infraction, didn't assume another driver's points and weren't involved in accidents as drivers. For the CPT analysis, it was considered: an increase in the red color, due to nuance 2, without the presence of contention indicators; an increase in the yellow color, without the dynamism syndrome; a decrease in the green color and an increase in the red color; Internal Conflict Syndrome, nuance 2 of red and nuance 2 of violet, also without contention indicators, and the Hysteria Syndrome. In the results, significant statistic correlations were found with the pair decreased green color and increased red color and the Internal Conflict Syndrome, indicating that CPT evidenced competitive validity through the correlations with DBQ and DIS.
Keywords : psychological assessment; traffic psychology; Pfister Colored Pyramid Test; drivers assessment.