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Revista Polis e Psique
On-line version ISSN 2238-152X
TAVARES, Gilead Marchezi and FRANCISCO, Rayanne Suim. Research as an event: exercises of writing WITH. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2016, vol.6, n.spe, pp.136-148. ISSN 2238-152X.
The challenge we face in this article is the thinking of ‘other’ policies of research in Psychol-ogy that include networked research, collaboration and commitment in research, and a com-position of unrestricted/intensive/affective arrangements that allow new modes of experience of self with the world. We scrutinize a research policy known as researchWITH which aligns itself with the event and we share our experience of two research projects using research-WITH as practice of an ‘other’ scientific writing-a mode of writing which composes the field of research. We discuss the instrumental in research that accompanies processes and its multiple and diffuse effects; these are always local and situated and elaborated/thought through networks. The written exercises are presented as instances of research guided by in-stitutional experience and by implication analysis.
Keywords : ResearchWITH; Scientific Writing; Event; Institutional Experience; Implication Analysis.