Revista Polis e Psique
On-line version ISSN 2238-152X
PENAS, Evelyn Cristina de Sousa and GERMANO, Idilva Maria Pires. Dieta Para Emagrecer o Preconceito Contra Gordos: discursos anti-gordofobia no YouTubeSlimming down prejudice against fat people: anti-fatphobia discourses on YouTubePara adelgazar el prejuicio contra gordos: discursos anti-gordofobia en YouTube. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2021, vol.11, n.1, pp.45-64. ISSN 2238-152X.
This article analyses discourses against fatphobia (discrimination towards fat people) based in three Brazilian videos posted on YouTube in 2018 which had numerous viewers. The aim is to explore how digital platforms like YouTube provide visibility to counter-hegemonic discourses about fat bodies, helping to spread information and strategies to mobilize and combat forms of discrimination and prejudice. The videos underwent thematic analysis and were discussed on the basis of a critical literature on the production of identity and difference. The analysis identified three main themes: "fat as physical and moral failure", "normatization of body and discrimination against fat people", "affirmation of fat identity, self-esteem and self- acceptance". The situations presented on the videos criticize common processes of exclusion of fat people. We conclude that these videos, by use of parody, irony and candid camera, help to circulate alternative narratives that suspend certain naturalized truths about fat people and their bodies.
Keywords : Fatphobia; Identity; Counter-Narratives; Digital Platforms; Youtube.