Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise
On-line version ISSN 2316-5197
ASKOFARE, Sidi and SAURET, Marie-Jean. The psychoanalysis ethical contribution to a globalized world: to be relied on symptom. Analytica [online]. 2015, vol.4, n.6, pp.7-27. ISSN 2316-5197.
The aim of this article is to situate the hostility of the current discourse expressed towards psychoanalysis in the context of contemporary "social link" so as to foresee how this discourse is not only attacking the psychoanalytic knowledge, but also, beyond that, the Real of the subject and his symptom. Why has time become deaf to psychoanalysis? What are the theories defended? Provided that we escape from suggestion (their conditionning) these theories impose, we can consider their impasses contain or designate the Real on which psychoanalysis could renew itself: in question jouissance, the symptom and its dimension as a solution denied by modernity… Only an ethical position is likely to opt for desire (the subject whose symptom serves as his foundation) against the service of goods called from all sides… The battle is not lost but it is far from being won.
Keywords : politics; ethics; subject; symptom; globalization.