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Revista Subjetividades

Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777


KRINSKI, Sthefan dos Santos; MADEIRA, Manoel Luce  and  MOSCHEN, Simone Zanon. The masks and the mythical structure: fictional truth and subjective hygenicity. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.2, pp.68-79. ISSN 2359-0769.

The work seeks to delineate a reflection on the notion of mask in Lacan, weaving it the notions of myth and semblant, from the aphorism according to which the truth has a structure of fiction. To do so, the text is divided into three sections. Initially, it is dedicated to the study of myth in its structuring function, articulating it to the origin and truth of the subject. In the second section, the text situates the myth as production that gives meaning and subjective support to the masks. In addition, based on the seminars The formations of the unconscious and The Four Fundamental Concepts, the article launches the hypothesis that the mask operates from the inscription of certain constitutive interval that occurs between it and the subject - which, if undone, would be articulated to the outbreak of anguish. Finally, by contrasting both daily and hermeneutical notions about truth, deceit and dissimulation, the writing unfolds the notion of mask to the conceptualization of semblant, situating it at the level of discourse and its mathemes.

Keywords : mask; semblant; myth; truth; speech.

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