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Revista Subjetividades

Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777


SILVA, Deivson Filipe Barros da  and  COSTA, Frederico Alves. Laclaunian Theory and Psychoanalysis: Theoretical Articulations within a Dialogic Field. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2021, vol.21, n.1, pp.1-14. ISSN 2359-0769.

The article aims to discuss positions regarding the articulation between Ernesto Laclau's thought and the psychoanalysis present in the scientific literature. Methodologically, we performed a bibliographic review and, from reading the selected material and the developed discussion, we understand that there are three stances regarding the articulation between Laclaunian theory and psychoanalysis: a) the use of psychoanalytic concepts as counterparts and/or synonyms of Laclaunian concepts; b) Laclau's understanding that there would be unsatisfactory uses of psychoanalysis; c) the recognition of the influence of psychoanalysis on Laclaunian theory articulated with other theoretical influences, but without making precise delimitations on how these articulations occur. We understand that these positions are problematic, and we emphasize that it is relevant to understand the articulation between Laclaunian theory and psychoanalysis from the consideration of the dialogical field that underlies Laclau's thought.

Keywords : politics; psychoanalysis; democratic theory; Ernesto Laclau.

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