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vol.27 issue52Um jogo de espelhamentos, a partir do Moisés de Michelangelo author indexsubject indexarticles search
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FERRAZ, Flávio Carvalho. Perversão e neurose obsessiva: notas comparativas. Reverso [online]. 2005, vol.27, n.52, pp.11-20. ISSN 0102-7395.

This paper focuses on the comparison between certain aspects of obsessive neurosis and perversion. It aims at develo-ping a line of thought proposed separately by Guy Rosolato and Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel: the former states that “perversion relates to gnosis like obsessive neurosis relates to a religion of ritualized tradition”; the latter poses the following comparison: “If obsessive neurosis is a ‘private religion’, then perversion is equivalent to a ‘Devil religion’”. The conclusion is that the obsessive symptom, unlike the characteristic acting of perversion, only approaches the satisfaction of hostility or the anal-sadistic drive in an asymptotic way. It is also concluded that this law of neurotic opera-tion, when superimposed on to perverse operation, provides the just measure of the structural difference between psychic formations resulting from repression and from disavowal.

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