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versión impresa ISSN 0102-7395
COSTA, Ângela Maria Diniz. Negative therapeutical reaction: clinical incidents. Reverso [online]. 2008, vol.30, n.55, pp.59-64. ISSN 0102-7395.
In this article, the author discusses two Freudian themes: that the negative therapeutic reaction constitutes one of the greatest obstacles to analytic treatment, and that the investigation of the obstacles is fundamental toward the discovery of the direction to be followed by the analyst in search for a cure. This Freudian orientation indicates that the elucidation of analytical obstacles is a ‘conducting wire’, a point at which the ‘demoniac force’ obliges the individual, from which he cannot be freed because ‘that which came to life one day is strongly connected to existen-ce’ [1]. Lacan’s reviews on Freud have made it possible to qualify the elaboration of the end of analysis as ethical because the approach to the end is consonant with the enigmatic masoquistic tendency that appears in clinical work as ‘this assumed or consented malediction’.
Palabras clave : Negative therapeutic reaction; End of analysis; Masoquism.