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versión impresa ISSN 0102-7395


COUTO, Olimpia Helena Costa. Is everything right with the sexual?: Viagra and sexuality. Reverso [online]. 2011, vol.33, n.61, pp.83-89. ISSN 0102-7395.

FALLS DOWN THE VIAGRAS PATENT. GENERIC COMES IN JUNE The news about the end of Viagra's patent in Brasil received major headlines in almost every newspaper in the country. Since its appearance in the end of the 1990's, Viagra and its social repercussions have received great attention from the medias. At the same time, within the human sciences, the so-called "medicalization of sexuality" is among the concerns of several fields of study. This article proposes a reflection, centered in the brazilian context, on the usage of Viagra and its effects on subjectvity. Would the blue pill, now sold by accessible prices, have the power to change sexuality into a quiet sea, a cloudless sky, bringing the solution to the discontent and the misunderstanding that charactrize sexual affairs?

Palabras clave : Viagra; Sexuality; Medicine; Psychoanalysis; The subject's constitution; Enjoyment; Desire; Realm of the feminine.

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