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vol.33 número62PS - Pulsão e Sublimação: a trajetória do conceito, possibilidades e limitesSUBLIMA-DOR: Considerações sobre dor e sublimação nos limites do pulsional índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0102-7395


CECCARELLI, Paulo Roberto. Reflections on the psychic economy of addiction. Reverso [online]. 2011, vol.33, n.62, pp.69-77. ISSN 0102-7395.

Starting from the hypothesis according to which addiction has a drive trajectory, the text proposes some reflections on this trajectory, the result of which would have slapped the so-called “addictive behavior”. The text throws some assumptions on the psychic organizations of addictions in general, not just on drug addictions. Addiction to another being, to drugs, to theories, and so forth maybe a possibility of psychic survival. Based on clinical experience, the author proposes that addictions are attempts to plug the basic fault. The compulsive activity observed in addictions denounces the failure of this venture. Like other professionals, the author notes the existence of a fragile narcissistic psychic organization in individuals who have addictive behaviors. According to the author, this suggests that narcissistic vulnerability in the pre-oedipal development of the child failed to build parental identificatory imagos to comfort his/her helplessness and to direct both his/her aggressive drive impulses and the affective ones.

Palabras clave : Addictions; Psychic Economy; Helplessness; Sexuality.

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