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versión impresa ISSN 0102-7395


BARRETO, Ocilene Fernandes  y  CECCARELLI, Paulo Roberto. Between the i and the body… a stranger: reflections on transexualities. Reverso [online]. 2015, vol.37, n.69, pp.113-119. ISSN 0102-7395.

The authors discuss how transexualities, the gap between anatomy and the sense of identity, refer not only to the familiar strange, but the identification process. Gender is a cultural construct that serves as identity support to the subject in the his or her constitution; and the I refers to a mythical particular expedient to give order to drive motions: a childish attempt to mitigate the psychic helplessness. In addition to the lack of connection between the subject of the unconscious and the biological system, transsexuals recall the force of sex and its vicissitudes, including sexual polymorphism of the subject, and the imposition of constant and disturbing question: “Who am I?”

Palabras clave : Identification; Gender; Drive; Transexualities.

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