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vol.39 número73Dos sonhos diurnos a uma concepção fundamental de fantasiaDesejo circular: a significação do desejo e do sonho na constituição do sujeito índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0102-7395


MARTINS, Thiago Silva. From the freudian mnemonic impressions to the lacanian letters. Reverso [online]. 2017, vol.39, n.73, pp.59-68. ISSN 0102-7395.

This works deals with the different psychic elements that signal the first energetic modulations, intensities and discharges which constitute the Freudian “this”. Therefore the following concepts will be used: Freudian mnemonic impressions, Affekt and drive, and the Lacanian concept of letter in the structuring of the unconscious.

Palabras clave : Mnemonic impression; Letter; Drive; Id; Real; Unconscious.

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