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Journal of Human Growth and Development

versión impresa ISSN 0104-1282versión On-line ISSN 2175-3598


DOURADO, Cláudia de Souza; FUSTINONI, Suzete Maria; SCHIRMER, Janine  y  BRANDAO-SOUZA, Camila. Body, culture and meaning. J. Hum. Growth Dev. [online]. 2018, vol.28, n.2, pp.206-212. ISSN 0104-1282.

INTRODUCTION: Human beings go through history in search of the plenitude and perfection of the human body. The actors have changed and the scene has changed, and likewise the sociocultural context, the tastes and interpretations, and the meaning have changed, yet the search for the ideal body remains OBJECTIVE: A critical-reflexive approach is proposed regarding the standard of the body throughout the historical trajectory, as well as its cultural representativeness and the meaning attributed to it METHODS: This is a critical-reflexive dissertation based on existing literature. We have used the: MEDLINE, LILACS, Scientific Electronic Library - SciELO and Bireme databases; as well as Google Scholar and grey literature. The preparation of the manuscript followed the norms of literature reviews, and nearly attained the qualitative approach RESULTS: One must consider the relationship that the media establishes with the body, impelling a relentless search for a standardized reflection in the mirror, seen as beauty; the culture of purchasing power regarding the female body, of discrimination, of violence, and of indifference. It reveals a discussion of aspects that are important and fundamental to understand the body in its totality, not only as an organic structure, but also as something complex and subjective that suffers constant influences from the environment to which it is exposed and from the time and society in which it is inserted CONCLUSION: It may be concluded that the body has always been in a prominent position in the civilizations of the numerous historical periods mankind has lived through, and regardless of when, there has always been a corporal stereotype to be followed, cultivated and worshiped, and the search for this conquest continues in current days

Palabras clave : human body; culture; beauty industry; narcissism.

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