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 número38Reflexiones sobre evaluación de programas y proyectos socialesPara além dos muros institucionais: problematizando os discursos dos egressos do sistema prisional índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0104-6578


CHAGAS, Arnaldo Toni  y  SEEGER, Fabiano Dutra. Crack in press media: a study on the of sense production on journalistic discourse on the crack. Barbaroi [online]. 2013, n.38, pp.145-177. ISSN 0104-6578.

The present study aims to investigate the discursive production about the social problem of "drug crack" in the press, through an analysis of editorial campaign "Think not Crack", conveyed in the Official Gazette of Santa Maria, the RBS Group. Utilized-if the referential theoreticalmethodological of Hermeneutics of Depth (HP), discourse analysis and semiotics as possibilities for this production. The goal was understand and clarify the effects of senses produced about the drug crack by means of verbal material journalistic, constructed and conveyed in newspaper, well as ideological aspects involved. The realization this study allowed comprehensions and clarifications on the drug issue in society current, building a broader vision and complex about this social phenomenon. In the analysis of discursive strategies aimed at society, in what refers to the field of prevention, concluded-if that the discourse conveyed in editorials analyzed constitutes-if with pretensions hegemonic and consensual, besides being organized so repressive, authoritarian and superficial, reducing and banalizing the complexity of the phenomenon studied. And yet ineffective in its purpose, since the approach and consumption of subjects with drug crack increase substantially over the years in brazilian society.

Palabras clave : Crack; Depth hermeneutics; Discourse analysis.

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