Servicios Personalizados
Actualidades en psicología
versión On-line ISSN 0258-6444
AMIT ROJAS, Jeanette. El trabajo de creación: una creación que trabaja. Teorías implícitas elaboradas por creadores artísticos. Actual. psicol. [online]. 2002, vol.18, n.105, pp.68-79. ISSN 0258-6444.
Starting with different theorists ideas on the act of creation, and using as main axis eleven interviews with Costarican artists, analized as implicit theories on their work, an understanding of creation work is constructed and proposed, understanding that shows its transitional and paradoxical nature. This proposal emphasizes: the relational weft that sustains creative process, the work as reflexive continuity within a cycle of mutations of both the creative subject and the object causing the work, as well as the potential creativity underlying every human activitiy, besides the artistic one.