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vol.49 número2A morte, a vida e os fenômenos de massaDepressão pós-parto materna e bebês com malformações: revisão sistemática índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1413-0394


WIECZOREK, Rodrigo Traple. From the gym to the divan: reflections on narcissism. Aletheia [online]. 2016, vol.49, n.2, pp.20-29. ISSN 1413-0394.

This study aims to observe the relation between narcissism and identity and image suffering related to body modifications. Here, it was uncovered the role of contemporary culture in this dynamics, also considering the importance of questioning the psychical constitution of each subject, and how they communicate the inner suffering by means of the offers that culture does. Freudian psychoanalysis papers and studies related to Muscle dysmorphia was used as bibliographical reference, and clippings of bodybuilding documentary with participants' speeches was presented as case reports. It was observed the importance of being sensitive in listening these subjects, that most part of the time are unable to report their suffering by their discourse, but, by acts that can camouflage themselves in speeches and standards that our culture establishes.

Palabras clave : Narcissism; Body image; Muscle dysmorphia.

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