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vol.24 número2El Programa de Postgrado en Psicología de la Universidad Federal de Amazonas: Propuesta y Perspectivas para la Región AmazónicaProblemáticas sociales y sus relaciones con la Investigación y la Extensión: Contribuciones del Programa de Postgrado en Psicología de la UFC índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Estudos de Psicologia (Natal)

versión impresa ISSN 1413-294Xversión On-line ISSN 1678-4669


ARAUJO, Ludgleydson Fernandes de et al. Creation and initial trajectory of the Post-graduation Program in Psychology at UFPI. Estud. psicol. (Natal) [online]. 2019, vol.24, n.2, pp.136-146. ISSN 1413-294X.

This is an account of the creation and initial trajectory of the Graduate Program in Psychology at UFPI, based on a documentary background. Implemented in the city of Parnaíba-PI, since April 2017, it is noteworthy that is the only PPG in Psychology of the state, enabling psychologists and other professionals to articulate scientific development and knowledge production in the region. With a concentration area in Psychology, it has 10 permanent professors distributed in two research lines: 1) Psychosocial processes and their evaluation in different contexts; 2) Psychology, Collective Health and Subjectivation Processes and 55 students with active enrollment and 13 graduates. The analysis considered the activities developed, difficulties and challenges based on the paths and challenges posed to the Brazilian graduate. It concludes PPGPsi's commitment to its consolidation in postgraduate research and teaching, human resources training and social impact.

Palabras clave : post-graduation; psychology; research; interiorization; history.

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