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vol.20 número2Puedo resolver problemas: un programa para desarrollar habilidades para la solución de problemas interpersonalesCartografía clínica en turno psicológico: investigación intervencionista en un proyecto de atención psicológica en distrito policial índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Temas em Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 1413-389X


CASTRO, Paulo Francisco de. Comorbidity indicators in patients with panic disorder assessed by the Rorschach Method. Temas psicol. [online]. 2012, vol.20, n.2, pp.537-554. ISSN 1413-389X.

This article aims to show psychopathology indicators obtained in a sample of patients with Panic Disorder from the Rorschach Method. In short, Panic Disorder can be characterized as a condition of extreme anxiety, without an apparent reason, experienced repeatedly and that can lead to a physical or mental paralysis and the sense of impending doom or death; it is not unusual the occurrence of panic comorbidity along with other conditions of psychic suffering. The Comprehensive System for the Rorschach presents six constellations that show elements of psychopathological nature or psychic suffering. Sixty subjects of both sexes participated in the investigation, equally divided into a group of patients and a group of non-patients. Results showed statistically significant differences in two constellations: higher incidence of PTI (p=0.002) in male patients, showing that men with Panic Disorder tend to present serious perception and thought disorders; occurrence of DEPI (p=0.009) where patients with panic show signs of depression or some kind of depressive symptoms and disorder related to change in humor. The other constellations did not differ between groups of patients and non-patients; their results were CDI (p=0.891), S-Con (p=1.0), HVI (p=1.0) and OBS (p=1.0). Therefore, in the sample that participated in this research, comorbidity of depressive symptoms or humor was observed in most male patients with severe disturbances of thought.

Palabras clave : Psychological assessment; Rorschach Test; Panic Disorder; Psychopathology.

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