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Temas em Psicologia

versión impresa ISSN 1413-389X


LOPES, Lais de Oliveira  y  CACHIONI, Meire. Impact of a psychoeducational intervention on subjective well-being of caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease. Temas psicol. [online]. 2013, vol.21, n.1, pp.165-181. ISSN 1413-389X.

The aim this study was to investigate the impact of a psychoeducational intervention for family caregivers of elderly with Alzheimer's disease in relation to assessments of carers about their subjective well-being. Family caregivers of elderly (n = 21) were interviewed before and after the intervention, consisting of fifteen sessions. Interviews were conducted with caregivers, using a sociodemographics form, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Satisfaction with Life Domains Scale, Positive Affect and Negative Affects Scale and Geriatric Depression Scale. The participants showed improvement in overall satisfaction with life and social involvement, and greater presence of positive affect. By comparing the values corresponding to the differences between before and after the intervention of the variables of well-being among gender, age, income, family relationship and care time, there was a significant difference among caregivers with incomes exceeding six salaries minimum and caregivers of lower income in relation to the variable of satisfaction with the mental capacity, and among caregivers who were caring for more than twelve months and who cared about the less time there was general satisfaction with life. These results differed between groups of caregivers, according to sex, gender, degree of kinship, income, age and time of care.

Palabras clave : Caregivers; well-being; psychoeducation; Alzheimer's disease.

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