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vol.13 número14Mauschwitz: desplazamientos imaginariosLos textos literarios sobre Eva Perón. Apropiaciones, representaciones y desplazamientos del imaginario popular índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1413-666X


LOFFREDO, Ana Maria. Freud and Nietzsche: tragicity and poetry. Imaginario [online]. 2007, vol.13, n.14, pp.43-65. ISSN 1413-666X.

This text presents a perspective of interlocution between Freud and Nietzsche from the poetic creation, dealing with the relationship between the Freudian and Nietzschian writing styles, which could be considered as expressions of their methodological conceptions related to the knowledge production.

Palabras clave : Freud; Nietzsche; Poetry; Style; Knowledge production method; Transference and tragicity.

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