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vol.10 número2Desafios atuais no trabalho multiprofissional em saúdeEquipes de saúde: o desafio da integração disciplinar índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista da SBPH

versión impresa ISSN 1516-0858


SILVA, Mônica Giacomini Guedes da. Doença terminal, perspectiva de morte: um trabalho desafiador ao profissional da saúde que luta contra ela.... Rev. SBPH [online]. 2007, vol.10, n.2, pp.43-51. ISSN 1516-0858.

The medical team delegates to the psychologist the responsibility to reduce the suffering of the patient with the understanding that emotional issues are of exclusive competence of those professionals. The analyst establishes a arquetipic relationship with the patient as a "Wound Realer". In the experience of a terminal patient, the "Invalid Arquetipic" is clearly present and expressed in the comprehension of eternal dependency. Quoting Hefesto’s Myth, one could make the correlation of the existence of this patient with a mythological image which represents the invalid arquetipic. The psychological intervention goes to meet a mythical existence where the analyst’s relation with the patient may symbolize the rescue of a heroic journey and facilitate the individual’s access to his/her creative potential and capability to cope with his/her illness.

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