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Natureza humana

versión impresa ISSN 1517-2430


RIBEIRO, Fernanda Schmitt; SANTOS, Natália de Toni Guimarães dos  y  ZORNIG, Silvia Maria Abu-Jamra. Shared in twice: The maternal experience in twins cases. Nat. hum. [online]. 2016, vol.18, n.1, pp.37-54. ISSN 1517-2430.

This work aims to bring a reflection on the experience of motherhood exercised with more than one baby at the same time, that is in twin cases. Based on Winnicott’s theory, we will seek to understand how the state of primary maternal preoccupation is experienced by mothers of twins, considering the peculiarities of the subjective process of these babies. If initial needs of children, which requires full maternal dedication, it is possible for the mother to respond by building a singled look at each child, avoiding the risk of taking them into your psyche an undifferentiated way, configures itself a favorable space to subjectivity. This is an inter-subjective space that is configured from a state of openness to the other affectation, which the concept of experience described by Walter Benjamin covers masterfully.

Palabras clave : maternity; twins; primary maternal preoccupation; singularity.

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