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vol.12 número3-4Manifestaciones de la subjetividad colectiva dentro de la cultura P'urhepecha índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versión impresa ISSN 1518-6148


CATTANEO RODRIGUEZ, Gianfranco. The languagem, the Joke and the Spirit: on the structure of the formations of the unconscious in Jacques Lacan. Rev.Mal-Estar Subj [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.3-4, pp.525-550. ISSN 1518-6148.

From the definition of the unconscious proposed by Jacques Lacan, "the unconscious is structured like a language", this article - which is part of a research entitled "Genealogy of the object in the work of Jacques Lacan from the paradigm of clinical case", of the Research Fund "Jorge MIllas" from the Board of Research and Doctorate of the University Andrés Bello - aims to analyze the structure of this formula and show its consequences for a clinic of the unconscious formations that, as based in the structure of the language, is consistent with the conceptual elaboration of psychoanalysis. Because to speak validly about the influence of creative functions on the structure of the signifier over the meaning, as Lacan says, it is necessary to speak not only about the word, but instead about the word links that evoke its own function. This is how the truth of the subject is revealed in the unconscious formations, and the joke plays a main role for Lacan, since it is the disclosure of the bottom of the language, the abyss of the language, from the contingency of the non-sense; contingency that shows the strength of the significant articulation and the reason why the subject is committed when taking the word and has to place himself with respect to the sense, in the exercise of the non-sense.

Palabras clave : Language; Metalanguage; Spirit; Truth; Joke.

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