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vol.13 número3-4El cuerpo: identificaciones e imagen índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Mal Estar e Subjetividade

versión impresa ISSN 1518-6148


LIMA, Nádia Laguárdia de. The incidence sof the capitalist discourse on the means of contemporary jouissance. Rev.Mal-Estar Subj [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.3-4, pp.461-498. ISSN 1518-6148.

This article presents adiscussion ofthe widespread today'sperversionandits effects onindividuals.To makethis reflection, it uses aliterature review. It presents theconceptsof joyandperversionin Lacan'swork and analyzes incidences of the capitalist discourseon the meansof contemporary jouissance, usingauthorsthatwrote about the theme. It has as premise the information that thecapitalist discourse, associated with thedeclineof the paternal function, focuses on subjectivity, producing specificities in the formsof today'sjouissance.The individual becomesaserfof asuperegoimperative, which imposes an insatiable surplus jouissanceon him. The consequences ofthis are theconstantoutbreaksof traces ofperversionin our society,richly illustratedin the pagesof the Internet.Thecapitalist discourseprovidesageneral joy througha direct relationshipwithconsumer goods.There is apromise ofcure forthe malaisewith the contemporary objects. However, thedivision of the individualindicatesaninability tocomplete the subjective missingwith these objects.Thus, the wave of objectificationimposedby culture does notendindividual'sdiscomfort,on the contrary, intensifies it. Asa way out, subjects seeksomething thatcan individualizethem inthis global cultureand for this,they usethe sametechnological devicesthat the cultureoffers to cover their subjective division.

Palabras clave : perversión en general; goce; capitalismo; contemporaneidad; sujeto.

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