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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X


PACHECO, Ana Laura Prates. In the mansion of the said imaginary: opsis and the diagonal section. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2014, n.29, pp.33-42. ISSN 1676-157X.

The paper bases itself on the experience with the artwork Seção Diagonal, by Marcius Galan, exhibited at the Inhotim Museum in Minas Gerais State. From this experience, I develop my work using as starting point the quote by Lacan at the 21st Seminar Les non-dupes errent: "The imaginary is always an intuition of what is to be symbolized". For this purpose, I briefly resume the path of what Lacan taught in relation to Imaginary imprint, from the text Mirror Stage (1949) to the subversion operated by the notion of the "object a" in the 1960s. Therefore, I discuss the consequences of the rehabilitation of the Imaginary operated by Lacan based on the borromean topology, which operates with a non-Kantian notion of space, and proposes a non-geometric presentation of the structure. Finally, I propose, based on Milner, establishing a homology between the "borromean experience" and what takes place in a psychoanalysis session.

Palabras clave : Imaginary; Borromean knot; Jacques Lacan.

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