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 número33Sujeito do inconsciente e sujeito de direito: ponto de conjunção ou de disjunção na interlocução da psicanálise com a saúde mental?O transtorno bipolar, o discurso capitalista e suas implicações na clínica psicanalítica índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X


SILVA JUNIOR, Nelson da. Psychiatric epistemology and pharmaceutical marketing: new modes of subjectivation. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2016, n.33, pp.227-239. ISSN 1676-157X.

The aim of the article is to examine how DSM's conventionalist and "a-theoretical" epistemology meets, articulates, and inserts itself in the new grammars of the consuming production of marketing. Indeed, the insularization of suffering around the symptoms and the conventionalist principle of disease classification of diseases have become a perfectly adjusted part to what is desired by marketing professionals: a single story structured around the description of a problem and its solution. The development of a double flexible epistemology about nominating nosographic entities allows it to adapt to both the discoveries of new drugs, providing retroactively to them their own "diseases", as well as the possibility to de-stigmatize sufferings through the displacement of the criteria of normality. In this narrative, the subject is excluded only as the responsible person, once his participation as a consumer is essential. The formation of the subject to assume this new function implies the introduction of the new "games of truth" of the pharmaceutical marketing.

Palabras clave : Epistemology; Modes of subjectivity; Pharmaceutical marketing; Consumer.

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