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 número37Maktub o un bebé sale por el ombligo del sueñoEl cartel, cuerpo analizante en el campo laico-niano índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Stylus (Rio de Janeiro)

versión impresa ISSN 1676-157X


SOUZA, Glaucia Nagem de. The edge of the knot of Bispo do Rosário. Stylus (Rio J.) [online]. 2018, n.37, pp.91-102. ISSN 1676-157X.

In 1975, Lacan inquires: "In what can art, craft, undo, if I may say so, what is imposed on the symptom?" From this query, the article addresses the creative work of Brazilian artist Arthur Bispo do Rosario. He worked steadily, structurally, and mandatorily to remain stable. At the age of 29 he outbreaks and goes through various hospitalizations. Until, because of his art, he obtains a differentiated place inside the psychiatric hospital and is discovered by an art critic that includes him in the scene of the contemporary Brazilian and international art. Was the link of the art of Bispo do Rosário a possible work where the knot correction included in his framework the place where he worked and the work of mental health? Are they effects of what we are addressing as the advent of the real in his work and the effects in the space of the hospital? These issues will be approached from the theorization Lacan developed in the 1970s, under the watchful eye of some contemporary commentators such as Michel Bousseyroux and Rithée Cevasco.

Palabras clave : Bispo do Rosário; Theory of knots; Whitehead's knot; Parlêtre; Naming; Mental health.

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