Servicios Personalizados
Psic: revista da Vetor Editora
versión impresa ISSN 1676-7314
ROSA, Helena Rinaldi. R-2: Teste não-verbal de inteligência para crianças - Pesquisa Piloto com crianças da cidade de São Paulo. Psic [online]. 2003, vol.4, n.2, pp.18-25. ISSN 1676-7314.
This article presents the pilot research done to proceed to the standardization research of the R-2 Test: Non-verbal intelligence test for children, elaborated by Rynaldo de Oliveira, published by Vetor Publishing Company (Oliveira, Rosa & Alves, 2000). The research aimed to get preliminary data about the R-2 test, in order to determine the most proper age limits and to check if the items order of presentation showed increasing degree of difficulty. The sample was formed by 52 children between 5 and 11 years old. The tests were applied individually and the material was composed of 30 cartoons, with an incomplete figure where the child should choice, among the available alternatives, the one that completes the figure in question. The results indicated the test can be used for children between 5 and 11 years old, the items shall be put in better order and one item shall have its design changed.
Palabras clave : Psychological tests; R-2 Test; Non-verbal intelligence test; Psychological assessment.