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vol.5 número2Pacientes portadores de dermatoses: relações iniciais e auto-agressividadeComparação dos resultados do Psicodiagnóstico Miocinético - PMK de Belo Horizonte com os de Recife e de São Paulo índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Psic: revista da Vetor Editora

versión impresa ISSN 1676-7314


CHUEIRI, Mary Stela Ferreira. Study comparative between Bender Gestalt Test and PMK- Myokinetic Diagnosis in investigation of the indicators of neurological side effects caused by the systematic of ethyl-alcohlic substances. Psic [online]. 2004, vol.5, n.2, pp.26-35. ISSN 1676-7314.

A bibliography investigation has been carried out to identify signals which may reveal neurological side effects elicited by the continuous use of ethyl-alcoholic substances, through a comparative study between Bender Gestalt and PMK (Myokinetic Diagnosis Test). The comparative analysis between what is currently known about the theme with the two tests allowed us to conclude that PMK is more accurate and effective when it comes to the identification of signaling features of neurological side effects due to alcoholism and is therefore indispensable in the psychological evaluation of the candidates who are alcohol-addicted. Concerning the Bender Test, the study points out a need to do further research so as to define these signaling features more accurately. In doing so, it will be possible to verify the accuracy of such a test in the diagnosis of the disturbances caused by alcoholism.

Palabras clave : Psychological evaluation; Alcoholism; PMK (Myokinetic Diagnosis Test); Bender Gestalt.

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