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vol.7 número2O conceito de regressão em Freud e Winnicott: algumas diferenças e suas implicações na compreensão do adoecimento psíquicoWinnicott e Jung índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Winnicott e-prints

versión On-line ISSN 1679-432X


DIAS, Elsa Oliveira. The Gruntrip affair. Winnicott e-prints [online]. 2012, vol.7, n.2, pp.52-81. ISSN 1679-432X.

The aim of this work is to illustrate, through Gutrip's report of his analysis with Fairbairn and Winnicott, the paradigmatic change worked by Winnicott in both theory and practical psychoanalysis, particularly the difference between psychoanalysis based on oedipal sample and that which takes the baby on his mother's lap as a guideline.

Palabras clave : Winnicott; Guntrip; Fairbairn; trauma; analysis.

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